How to become a personal trainer (2023)

Which certification to choose? How to find your first job? How to create your own personal training business? We share it all in this article.

Mohamed Alaoui
June 26, 2023

In short πŸ‘‡πŸ½

  • Get certified
  • Find a job for experience and try to shadow a top personal trainer
  • Keep learning every day
  • Find your niche
  • Choose the right training service for your niche
  • Don't undervalue your personal training services
  • Use social networks to find your clients (Instagram is the best one for the moment)
  • Invest in tools for your personal training business


How to become a personal trainer (and a great one)

This article is proposed by Gymkee, the personal trainer software that allows you to deliver the best coaching experience to your clients while saving time and growing your personal training business.

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How to become a personal trainer ?


Today, personal training is a (very) big business... According to market research from IBISWORLD it's precisely a $10 billion industry.


That's huuuuuuuuge! 🀯


This big industry size is due to the shift of our culture with social networks and the fact that people make more and more attention to their health. They buy gym memberships to start working out and to help them grow, they need personal trainers.


It can be a very good career choice if fitness is your passion and if you want to help people live a better life.


In this blog post, I will share with you how you can become a personal trainer in 2021.


Let's dive right in!




  1. What's the job of a personal trainer ?
  2. Certifications : which one to choose ?
  3. How your first job as a personal trainer ?
  4. How to launch your own personal training business ? (and at which cost)
  5. How to find a niche as a personal trainer ?
  6. Types of personal training with their advantages and inconveniences
  7. How to give a value and a price to your personal training services ?
  8. How to find new clients as a personal trainer ?
  9. How to use social networks as a personal trainer ?
  10. 7 tools and apps to use as a personal trainer ?


1. Let's define what a personal trainer do



Before you start, you need to know what a personal trainer do (that's better).


As a personal trainer, your main role will be to work on fitness training with your clients to help them get stronger, lose weight, have better physical performance, prepare for competition or help them maintain their health.


For that, you'll have to have a good knowledge of the human anatomy, human physiology, nutrition, and exercises that you will be giving to your clients.


You will also need to understand your clients, motivate them, and really know why they are doing what they are doing to help them achieve their goals 🎯


But that's just one part of your job.


You'll have to be able to market yourself, you'll have to be able to sell and if you are self-employed, you'll have to manage your own business and manage the stress that's linked to it.


Now that you know what you'll have to do as a personal trainer, let's see how you can become one.



2. Certification to become a personal trainer



You don't need to go to college to become a personal trainer. You can if you want to have more knowledge on the human body but it's not mandatory to become a personal trainer in the US.


That doesn't mean you can train a client without anything. You'll need certifications.


How to become a personal trainer in the US
Certifications personal trainer


Before your start searching for any personal training certification, you need to have a CPR & AED certification.


You'll train people and you may encounter physical emergencies with your clients.


These certifications will allow you to recognize when a client is having an emergency, handle cardiac or breathing emergencies and act accordingly to save your clients.


Once you have them, you can search for personal training certifications.


The thing here is to choose one that has been accredited. Be very careful about the one that you chose and if you want to work for a specific employer, make sure to find out what certifications this employer requires.


Before choosing your certifications, you need to know what do you want to do. Do you want to provide group training ? Do you 1-1 training with your clients ? Only online coaching ? Once you know what do you want to do, you'll be able to choose the certifications that suit you the best.


Here is some well known certifications with their accreditation:

  • American Council on Exercise (ACE) who's accredited by NCCA

From $551 to $974.


  • Academy of Applied Personal Training Education (AAPTE) who's accredited by NCCA

From $1195


  • American College of Sports Medicine who's accredited by NCCA

From $10 to $99


  • ACTION Certified Personal Trainers who's accredited by NCCA

From $99


  • International Fitness Professionals Association (IFPA) who's accredited by NCCA

From $349 to $1049


  • National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM) who's accredited by NCCA

From $899


  • National Council on Strength and Fitness (NCSF)

From $999


  • National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA)

From $300


Once you've chosen your certifications, try to get a date for your exam. Once you have it, you'll be able to organize yourself and work efficiently toward it.


You should give yourself 3 to 6 months depending on the certification and the time that you can allow to study.


In 6 months, you'll be ready to pass your exam and crush it. Once the certification is in hand, you can start to search for your first job as a personal trainer ;)



3. How to Find a job as a Personal Trainer



Remember what I've written earlier about thinking about what you really want to do as a personal trainer before choosing your certification? That's now that it will be helpful.


You already know what do you want to do and it's easier for you to find the perfect employer to gain some experience before launching your own personal training business (if you want to).


When you searching your job, try to differentiate yourself as much as possible and make a unique first impression because generally, the first impression is the last.


Make a good resume, if you can, make a video of yourself. It's more personal and it can really show your energy in comparison to a PDF...


If you land an interview (and I'm sure you will), make sure to look professional and to come with 2 CVs.


Once you are there, be confident. If you are there it's because they believe you can help them and help their clients become healthiest. Trust your skills and crush the interview ;)


Bonus tip: find a mentor personal trainer.


Learning as a personal trainer
Learning as a personal trainer


While working at your gym, find a great personal trainer and shadow him. Learn all you can from him :

  • How he markets himself
  • How he talks to clients
  • How he managed clients
  • How he set up his clients workouts




Now, let's talk money.



How much you can earn as a personal trainer in 2021?


It depends.


It depends on your certifications, experience, and if you are self-employed or employed by a gym.


But we have a number for the median annual salary of personal trainers in US.


The median salary of a personal trainer in the US is $58K. 10% of personal trainers make over $80K per year.


If you decide to go work for yourself, Β keep reading. We'll explain to you the process of how you can grow your own personal training business.



4. Becoming an entrepreneur in personal training



You've been working for a gym or an employer in the fitness industry for a couple of months/years now and you're considering launching your own personal training business.


That's great and cheers to you for having the courage to do it πŸ‘πŸ½


You have to know now that launching your own business is not easy... Don't believe the gurus on YouTube who are promising you a lot of money in a couple of days.


Launching your own personal training business will take you a lot of energy, effort, and time. You'll need to be patient and work hard every day to achieve success.


But you know what ? If you've been reading this blog post to here, I do not doubt your success.


The thing is that you'll have to make the rights moves and choices to achieve your goals.


The first thing to do, is incorporate your business.


Sole Proprietor, LLC or S Corp ?


In most cases, for you as a personal trainer, we'll recommend going for an LLC. They are flexible form small to medium sized businesses with more advantages than Sole Proprietorship and S corp.


LCCs are often the most popular incorporation choice that personal trainers use.


The cost of incorporating your business as an LLC ranges between $40 to $500 depending on your state.


Next, you'll have to set up the basics and you need to know that you'll have to invest some money. If you're not willing to invest your money in your business, keep your job at a gym.


Here's what you need to set up and the costs :


  • Domain name


Your domain name is very important and you need to buy one asap. You'll use it on your mail address and for your website.


They are plenty of great domain name providers and but we recommend GoDaddy.


They don't pay us to say that but we're clients and the experience is very smooth. It's very easy with them to set up what you need to set up.


Your domain name will cost you $12 the first year and then a maximum of $20 per year (depending on how fancy your domain name is).


  • Your Personal Trainer Insurance


Don't skip it.


We know that you're goal is only to help your clients reach their fitness and mental goals but it's always a possibilitΓ© that something can go wrong and you'll be the one that they will be blamed for that.


If you're being sued and don't have insurance, you risk big.


There are 2 types of insurances for personal trainers :


  • General Liability Insurance (GLI)


This is the most used insurance by personal trainers. You'll protection from financial issues due to an accident or a lawsuit.


For example, if something happens at the gym and your client gets injured, your general liability insurance will be used to cover the cost of treating the injury of your client.


  • Professional Liability Insurance (PLI)


This one is also referred to as Errors and Omissions Insurance. You'll be protected against claims that you're at fault if something happens due to your guidance.


Keep yourself protected with an insurance.


You have a lot of them that you can find by searching on Google. The cost ranges between $10 to $30 per month.


  • Your website


Having a professional website is really important as a personal trainer. You'll redirect all the people from your socials to your website to convert them as new paying customers...


A lot of personal trainers don't put enough effort into their website and they lose a lot of money EVERY DAY.


People think that today, is still hard to create a website... flash news : it's not.


We have the chance to live in a world today where you can find anything you want and learn anything. Building a website is, I think, the topic that has the most youtube videos on it.


Building a website today is easier than before and you can find all the resources that you need online to have one that really matches your brand and your unique personality.


You can use CMS like :

  • Webflow (we love Webflow at Gymkee)
  • Wix
  • WordPress
  • Shopify (if you sell programs)


And a lot more.


You can build your website in a weekend and start to sell your services.


Don't make things harder than reality...


Really, you don't need a website with 42 pages filled with content that people will not read anyway πŸ˜…


You only need a website with :

  • The benefits of taking coaching with you
  • Your coaching method
  • The proof that your coaching method is working by showing results pictures
  • Show your services and your pricing very clearly
  • Present yourself
  • A FAQ


That's all you need to sell your services and programs.


Depending on the platform that you'll choose to create your website, the price range will be different.


For this simple website, it's between $15 and $50 per month.


  • Your education


Having a certification is not the end of your learning... it's only the beginning.


You have to be aware that as a personal trainer, you'll have to adapt yourself. Learn new things every day in all the topics that are close to personal training.


If you don't continue to learn everyday, you'll not be able to adapt yourself and will disappear.


Make sure to read blog articles, watch youtube videos, read books, follow courses etc...


  • ‍Fitness equipment (if you do train outside or at home)


If you train some of your clients at their home or outside, you'll need some equipment to train them and help them reach their goals.


That's an expense to know before starting.


Know that you know what to do before, let's dive in on what you can do to really grow your personal training business.



5. How to find your niche as a personal trainer



Finding new clients, in the beginning, can be difficult but don't worry, we're here to help you have a great personal training business.


The key is to make the right things and the right choices.


First, let's find a niche.


At this stage, you already have an idea of what results you can produce and with which type of clients you want to work with. We'll just dig a little more to find the perfect niche for you.


A niche, in marketing, is simply a small portion of a larger market that can be defined by it's own unique needs, preferences, and characteristics.


Still not clear? Here's some exemples of personal training niches :

  • Entrepreneurs after 45 yo who wants to lose weight
  • Pregnant women who want to keep exercising
  • Postpartum women
  • Couples who want to lose weight before their weddings
  • People with diabetes who want to gain muscles
  • People after 65 yo who want to stay fit and healthy
  • Entrepreneurs who manage a company that makes more than $1M and need to be sharp
  • Extremely obese people who want to lose more than 50 pounds
  • People who are preparing police exam


And a lot more niches exist.


You can choose a niche depending on :


  • The job
  • Style
  • Gender
  • The needs
  • Pathologies


and many others... you just need to find the one that fits you the best.


So now, what are the steps to follow to find a niche as a personal trainer?


First, just look around you.


Watch other personal trainers, what they do, try to find their niche, and understand why they choose this one and not another one.


Observe how they communicate to this niche and the impact on their personal training business.


By looking around you, you'll understand a lot of things about niches that will help you chose yours.


Next, you'll be able to use the Hedgehog Concept.


Hedgehog concept
Hedgehog concept


This concept is shared by Jim Collins in his incredible book Good to Great (that I really recommend, it's a must-read for every entrepreneurs)


He says that if you want to be great in a specific domain (here in your personal training business by choosing a niche), you'll have to find the perfect fit between :


❀️ What you are really passionate about

πŸ† Something that you can be the beast at

πŸ’° And what can make you good money


Niche for personal trainers
Hedgehog concept


By using his concept, you'll be able to find your niche more easely.


Then, you will be able to refine it over time...


You can start with a niche and change it later and that's OK.


That's not a problem if you change your niche or if you change some characteristics.


On the contrary...


Never forget that the goal is for you to be able to deliver the best possible coaching to your clients and help them achieve their goals while being happy to work with them.


If you are not able to deliver the best possible coaching or are not happy working with a certain type of clients, you don't have to stay with them!


Keep this in mind, it's important ;)


Now that you have your niche (or that you know how to find yours) let's see what you can offer them to grow your personal training business.



6. Work on your services and offers as a personal trainer



As a personal trainer, you have a lot of options on how you can train your clients to help them reach their goals.


Now that you know your niche, you'll be able to offer training services that fit with their needs and their agenda.


Let's see what you can offer and for each one, their advantages and inconveniences Β πŸ‘‡πŸ½


1-1 personal training at the gym


This is the most common offer and the one that you're taught to do.


1-1 personal training is when you are physically present for your clients at the gym.



βœ… Perfect for clients who need you to be there with them

βœ… Motivating your clients

βœ… With them to make sure that the exercises are correctly executed

βœ… Hourly rate applied (more money for you)

βœ… Benefits of the gym's equipment



❌ High risk of no-show and losing an hour

❌ You trade your time vs money

❌  If you get injured, you don't have any revenues

❌ You only have 24h in a day, can't scale the 1-1 training

❌ At some gyms, you'll have to pay a rent


For this type of personal training, we advise you to charge, depending on your state and city, at least $50 an hour.


1-1 personal training at client's home



βœ… Perfect for clients that don't have to move to the gym

βœ… Present to motivate directly your clients

βœ… With them to make sure that the exercises are correctly executed

βœ… Hourly rate applied (more money for you)

βœ… You can charge more for road

βœ… No rent to pay for



❌ High risk of last-minute cancellation and losing an hour

❌ You trade your time vs money

❌  If you get injured, you don't have any revenues

❌ You only have 24h in a day, can't scale the 1-1 training

❌ Losing time in traffic

❌ You have to invest in fitness equipment


For this type of personal training, we advise you to charge, depending on your state and city, at least $60 an hour.


Yes, $10 more at least for the road.



1-1 personal training outside



βœ… Perfect for clients who want to train outside

βœ… Present to motivate directly your clients

βœ… With them to make sure that the exercises are correctly executed

βœ… Hourly rate applied (more money for you)

βœ… No rent to pay for



❌ High risk of last-minute cancellation and losing an hour

❌ You trade your time vs money

❌  If you get injured, you don't have any revenues

❌ You only have 24h in a day, can't scale the 1-1 training

❌ You have to invest in fitness equipment

❌ Highly depending on the weather (that's will impact your client's motivation)


For this type of personal training, we advise you to charge, depending on your state and city, at least $50 an hour.


Online coaching & programming



βœ… Perfect for clients that know what they want

βœ… Perfect for clients that don't have the budget to pay you hourly multiple times a week but still want to train more

βœ… You can take any client from over the world

βœ… You can work from anywhere

βœ… Monthly payments that allow you to have recurring revenues

βœ… Ability to scale your personal training business and have more clients

βœ… You'll still be able to grow your personal training business if gyms close again



❌ Don't have physical interaction with your clients

❌ High risks, if you don't put limits, to lose a lot of time answering clients


For this type of personal training, we advise you to charge at least $120 per month if you only do fitness programing and at least $150 if you give food plans to your clients.


Visio coaching



βœ… Perfect for clients who want you to be there but are not in your city

βœ… You can take any client from over the world

βœ… You can work from anywhere

βœ… Same hourly rate as physical training

βœ… Still 1-1 training but with more flexibility

βœ… You'll still be able to grow your personal training business if gyms close again



❌ Still a trade hour vs money

❌ If done poorly, client's won't be satisfied (please, don't let your laundry behind you while in training and make sure you have great sound & video quality)

For this type of personal training, we advise you to charge at least $50 an hour.


It doesn't matter if you are with your client or not.


Some personal trainers don't charge the same if they are on a 1-1 or in visio...


It's just the way to do the personal training that changed, not your value.


The topic of charging people according to your value is a big challenge for some personal trainers, let's see how you can give value to your services.



7. How to give a value to your personal training services



Giving a value to our services and charging accordingly is the most difficult thing to do.




Because as humans, we have these bad habits to undervalue ourselves and our work.


We put mental barriers to what we can achieve and how much we can charge for our services. The impostor syndrome in his greatness.


From the beginning, in school or when you were passing your personal training certification, you didn't learn to value yourself... and it's too bad...


As a personal trainer, I think that you're doing one of the most meaningful and impacting job in the world.


You are changing people life :

  • You make them healthier (physically and mentally)
  • You allow them to live longer 🀯
  • You help them create healthy habits that they'll have all their life
  • You help them believe in themselves
  • You are helping humanity by reducing the number of obese people (making them more active, less fast-food consuming etc...)


Don't undervalue what you're doing.


You don't sell personal training or fitness programs... you're selling life.


How to become a personal trainer - Find a niche
Real Personal Training Value


Once you have that in mind, you'll be able to charge accordingly by the value that you are delivering.


Don't forget that, even if personal training is first a passion for you, it's also a business that you need to grow. Put yourself and yours interests first while giving the best to your client πŸ˜‰


Update: we just released an article about how you can find the best price for your online coaching.


We'll find the article just here (with a free simulator!)

πŸ‘‰ Online Fitness Coaching Pricing


Now that you found your niche, that you know what you'll offer them and how many you're gonna charge them... it's time to see how to market yourself and find your first clients.



8. How to find new clients as a personal trainer



First, before trying to find new clients that you don't even know, did you try to reach de clients that you had when you were working at a gym?


Try with them first.


Try with people that you already know and who trust you. If it's not for them or if your previous gym makes you signed a contract that said that you can take their clients, ask only for referrals.


Directly at the beginning! That will help you save a lot of time.


Once you've made the tour of your network, you'll have some new clients to start.


Now, what do you do next? You find new clients (that's why this is the chapter's name πŸ˜…)


And if you want to find new clients, you'll have to market yourself.


How to market yourself you'll ask ?


Today, we live in a world where you can show the entire world what you are doing and providing in one simple tap on a button.


You have multiple ways to market yourself.


πŸ“’ Offline marketing


This is the marketing you do, like his name says, offline.


In other words, it's the most traditional marketing. Here are some examples :

  • Prints
  • Business cards
  • T-shirts with your logo on it
  • Networking events
  • Animations
  • Asking for referrals
  • Billboards


And a lot more ways to do it are available but you get the idea.


I know that today we live in a hyper-connected world and this type of marketing can seem old but it's still very important to work on it.


That doesn't cost a lot and can make you more money.


The other way to do marketing is... online.


πŸ’» Online marketing


You have 2 types of online marketing : paid and organic.


You have 2 types of online marketing : paid and organic.



Paid marketing is when you pay to put your content in front of the right audience.


Organic is when people search for a specific topic and found your content that gives them an answer.


Example of paid marketing:

  • Google Ads
  • Facebook Ads
  • YouTube Ads
  • Content sponsorship for an Instagram fitness page
  • Paid article


Example of organic marketing:

  • Blog posts
  • YouTube videos
  • Instagram posts
  • Gust post on some fitness blogs
  • Word of mouth


If you're starting, don't put your money on paid marketing.


Yes, I know, that's not what some gurus are saying on their courses or their videos... but believe, you'll be wasting your money.


Before starting investing in paid marketing, you have to find out your niche as we write it earlier. If you start ads now, you'll only burn cash for nothing.


Be patient and put in the hard work first.


Go make amazing content and give crazy value to the people who will land into your post, videos, blog posts, or anything else.


Yes, organic marketing will take time... but if you start today, you'll be in a very different place in a few months with a strong authority in your niche.


Don't expect results now... all the work that you'll be doing will only show the result in 90 days... yes, that's long but what did you expect ? You're building a business here. If it was easy, everyone will do it.


Make great content, work on your brand every day, give a lot of value to your clients, make them happy, make them proud of their progress and they will give it back to you at 100x.


Just trust the process.


Now, let's see how you can create, set up your accounts and which content to share on the best social networks for personal trainers.



9 - How to use social networks as a personal trainer ?



Social networks, if used correctly, are today the best tools to grow your personal training business.


Not all of them will be useful to you... in fact, to have incredible results, you'll have to focus on a few of them.


Here are the social networks to use a personal trainer:

  • Instagram (the best one by far)
  • YouTube
  • TikTok πŸ™ƒ
  • Facebook


⚠️  By choosing these social networks, I'm not telling you to not use the others. They are useful too. The thing is that at the beginning you'll have to focus on the ones that can have a great impact on your personal training business.


We'll focus on the one who's for me, the best for personal trainers : Instagram.



πŸ“Έ Β Instagram for personal trainers



Before starting to write about content on Insta and share with you the type of content to use to grow your business, let's start by the beginning : the set-up.


How to set up your Instagram Account as a personal trainer?

  1. Personal account vs Professional Account
  2. Choose a great username
  3. Use a professional e-mail address (yes, that counts)
  4. Make sure to have a great profile picture
  5. Don't have a boring bio


1 - Personal account vs Professional account


As a business, you have to differentiate your personal account where you share your cute cat pictures and your professional account that's you'll use to grow your business.


Don't make this mistake and separate the accounts at the beginning. Keep your personal account and create a new one for your business.


Instagram allows you to create a professional account, let's use it to access some great data to grow your personal training business.


Let's set up the account in "Professional".


Go to your settings:


β†’ Account

β†’ Switch to Professional Account

β†’ Choose the "Fitness Trainer" category

β†’ Choose the "Business" category (you need data and the ability to automate publishing)

β†’ Add your professional infos

β†’ Connect your professional Facebook Page (if you don't have one, create it. It will take you 2 mins and it's really easy to do)


Instagram for personal trainers - Professional Account
β†’ Account


Instagram for personal trainers - Professional Account
β†’ Switch to Professional Account


Instagram for personal trainers - Professional Account
β†’ Choose the "Fitness Trainer" category


Instagram for personal trainers - Professional Account
β†’ Choose the "Business" category (you need data and the ability to automate publishing)


Instagram for personal trainers - Professional Account
β†’ Add your professional infos


Instagram for personal trainers - Professional Account
β†’ Connect your professional Facebook Page (if you don't have one, create it. It will take you 2 mins and it's really easy to do)


Next, let's choose a great username 😎



2 - Choosing a great personal training Instagram username



Let's say your name is Harvey Specter and you want to be the greatest personal trainer in the US (that's a great goal, we believe in you).


You'll have multiple options for your username:


  • First name + "personal trainer" or "pt" or "coaching" or "training"

Ex: @harveypersonaltrainer ; @harveypersonaltraining ; @harveytraining


  • Last name + "personal trainer" or "pt" or "coaching" or "training"

Ex: @specterpersonaltrainer ; @specterpersonaltraining ; @spectertraining


  • Full name + "personal trainer" or "pt" or "coaching" or "training"

Ex: @harveyspecter_pt ; @harveyspecterpersonaltrainer ; @harveyspectertraining


  • Your brand name

Ex: @gymkee ; @hs_personaltraining


Why use this type of username? Simply because when you'll post, like or comment people will immediately understand what you're doing and that, even before seeing your profile.


Now, let's be more professional on the way people can reach us



3 - Use a professional e-mail address as a personal trainer



Your e-mail address is the first thing that people will use to reach you if they are interested in your services.


The thing is that today, you can't have a regular e-mail address as a professional. By regular e-mail address I mean something link "".


Do you contact Amazon by sending an e-mail to ""?


Nope... and as a professional personal trainer, it's the same for you. You need a professional e-mail address.


For that, you need :

  • To buy a domain name
  • To have an email provider


The domain name will be used for your professional e-mail address and for your future website. That will cost you from $1 to $5 the first year then it will be a max of $10 per year if you don't get a fancy one.


For the mail provider, you can still use your current provider by using his professional side.


If you're using Gmail, you can connect your domain name and still be using gmail with Google Workspace. It will cost you $5 per month.


Having a professional e-mail can be a detail for you... but people make their choices based on perception. If you don't look professional on the basic thing, how are your trainings ?


It's better to pay $10 and have a good perception of the value of your services to acquire new clients more easily.



4 - Make sure to have a great Instagram profile picture as a personal trainer



As a personal trainer, you need to focus on your brand image and this is directly linked to your Instagram profile picture.


That's the first thing that people will see on your profile and they will make a quick judgment based on your pic.


To be short, you have only 3 options for your Instagram profile picture as a personal trainer :


  • A professional pic with your best smile
  • A pic while training with a client
  • Your brand logo


That's all.


Oh, and guys... please, no topless pic on your profile picture. That's not your personal account but your PROFESSIONAL account ;)



5 - Please, don't have a boring bio



You probably know this famous quote :


The first impression lasts.


That's 100% true.


Earlier in this blog post, I said that everything is about perception and impression. It can't be more the truth than today.


Today, we make a judgment of everything so quickly (that's crazy)


Your profile pic, your bio, your pics and their descriptions will help people to make a quick judgment of who you are and if they want to work with you.


That reminds me an incredible of one of my favorite tv show : Β Suits


Harvey Specter takes Mike Ross, his assistant, and makes it clear that first impressions are important and that if you don't want to be left behind, you'd better be careful about it.



That's true for lawyers... and for personal trainers.


Your bio will make an impact on the way people will perceive you and decide if they trust you with their health or not.


Here are some tips to help you write a great Instagram bio as a personal trainer :


Don't write long sentences


You don't need to share all the details of your life in the bio (even if you have an incredible life).


Even if you wanted to, our great friend Mark won't let you. It's limited to 150 characters and that's better this way.


If a person has to make some effort and put his brain to work to understand what you do : you've lost.


This person will go on another profile and maybe find another personal trainer.


So how do you make people keep scrolling on your profile?


You share who you are and what you do. That's all.


Your goal in your bio is to present yourself as an authority, to describe as simply as possible what you offer and to push the visitor to see your first publications.


Team with emojis or without?


I'm a big fan of Emojis 🀩


Sometimes, instead of answering with long sentences, I simply answer with an emoji that means everything.


It's a simple way to accompany the words or simply express them without using them.


Their biggest advantage is that they help guide the visitor's eye.


If you compare the two bios below, you will see that the one on the left requires much less effort than the one on the right.


Moreover, it allows you to position yourself as a fun & friendly person (and that's a good point for personal training)


I advise you to use them in your bio but it all depends on your personality.


You can copy & edit the bio below, with or without emojis directly on your personal trainer Instagram profile:


πŸŽ“ | Certification

πŸ‹οΈβ€β™‚οΈ | Services (Online training, 1-1, etc...)

πŸ₯‘ | (OPTION) Food programs

πŸ“© | Your professionnal e-mail address


Put your mail in the bio


Don't limit your e-mail to the "Contact" section.


Make it as easy as possible to contact you by posting your email directly in your bio.


Humans are looking for simplicity, removing those extra steps will increase your chances of being contacted.


We'll start with the type of content you can publish on Insta... simply because it's the best social for fitness pros.


Put your website link in the bio (using the Instagram feature)


As I said above, for me, a personal trainer in 2021 must have a website. At least a showcase site.


You have so many tools and tutorials at your disposal to create a professional website with WordPress, Wix, Webflow etc... that it's really a shame.


You lose a lot of potential new clients compared to another coach who offers similar services with a well-thought-out showcase website.


Take a weekend to start a showcase website, you won't regret it.


Now that you have configured your personal trainer professional Instagram Account, let's dive in on the content that you can share to acquire new clients πŸ‘‡πŸ½


3 Instagram Content Examples that you can use as a personal trainer


On Instagram, you'll have many ways to reach your audience and grow your brand as a personal trainer :

  • Image Posts (most used)
  • Video Posts (max 1 min)
  • Carrousels (multiple slides)
  • IGTV (long video, max 60 mins)
  • Reels (the new one)
  • Stories (you know what it is)


I advise you to use them all. Instagram loves it.


  • Image posts are great for pictures like results of your clients or your training with clients.
  • VidΓ©o posts are great for sharing exercises or workouts (max 1min)
  • Carrousels are great if you want to share infographics with a lot of value. The thing that's cool with them is that Instagram, if someone passed on the first slide, will show the others multiple times to try to have interactions.
  • IGTV are great if you want to share long videos like advice on training.
  • Reels (the new format) is very powerful to acquire new clients. Use it to entertain people while educating them on fitness & training.
  • Stories are great to connect with people. Do a lot of them, at least once every 3-4 hours to keep you in the mind of the people who follow you (and because we love to stalk on others life)


Here's some of the best content that you can use on Instagram to give a tone of value, reach a lot of people and have more clients as a personal trainer:


1 - Infographics


They are easy to make and add a tone of value to the people who see the post. Perfect for socials like Instagram or Facebook.


You can use them in a single image post or in carrousels (go for the carrousels πŸ˜‰)


You can create them easily with Canva (will share with you all the tools that you'll need and their cost later) and automate their publication with Facebook Creator Studio.



βœ… Β Easy to create with Canva (a lot of template available)

βœ… Β People love it on Instagram (if designed correctly)

βœ… Β Good of engagement (likes & comments)

βœ… Β Easily shareable in stories

βœ… Β Add tone of value

βœ… Β Can be on carrousels



❌  Need to understand the basics of design

❌  If done poorly, you'll have no interactions

❌  Lot of people are using it, you'll need to find your own recipe


2 - Clients results picture (before & after)


I have something for you that's been kept secret until now... (or not) : as a personal trainer, you're judge only on the results you can get for your clients.


Now that you know that, why you're not yet sharing more social proof of your ability to have incredible results with your clients?


People want to know what you can really do for them, that's it. What's on it for them? What benefits and results they can have by working with you?



βœ… Β Make you an authority in your domain

βœ… Β Social proof that you can generate great fitness results

βœ… Β It's really really good for word of mouth



❌  Of course, you need to have the authorisation of your client to use the pictures

❌  Make sure to show people who great VISUAL results


3 - Free workouts videos


Don't leave now, stay with me I'll explain myself πŸ˜…


Some personal trainers think that if you share free content and free workouts, people won't take their services by buying personal training for them... and that's wrong ❌


Sharing free content is the key to grow your personal training business.


It's ok if some people take the workouts videos that you've shared, make them and never buy something for you. That will be happening every day but you're not doing this for them.


You're doing this for people to make this on their part and when they'll need to go further and progress, they will be looking for a personal trainer.


Guess the first personal trainer that they'll have in mind? You got it.



βœ… Β Make you an authority in your domain

βœ… Β Social proof that you can create amazing workouts

βœ… Β Easily shareable

βœ… Β Add tone of value

βœ… Easy to create (don't need a fancy camera, you're phone will be fine)



❌  You have to think about it in workout

❌  Can take some time


Now you know everything about becoming a great personal trainer and acquire new clients. In the last chapter, I'll share with you some tools and software to use to differentiate yourself from others PTs and grow your business efficiently.



10 - 7 tools and apps to use as a personal trainer to grow your business



In 2021 we have the chance to have more tools that we need to simplify our work.


Why don't use them?


The best personal trainers know their worth and they try to optimize everything to save time, grow their business and increase their value.




Canva for personal trainers
Canva for personal trainers


Canva is one of the best tools to use if you want to produce amazing content on your social networks.


If you master Photoshop that's great and you should use it. If you don't, Canva is the best alternative and it's so easy to create amazing visuals on it.


With Canva, you will have a lot of templates that are great that you can customize to the colors of your brand and use on your socials.


It is the most used visual design tool at the moment, it is also the tool with which all the infographics that you can see on Instagram are made.


Price: from $0 to $11,99 (based on monthly plans)

πŸ‘‰πŸ½ Β Try Canva



Editing tool for personal trainers


As for visual creation, nowadays, you don't need to be a professional filmmaker to start posting video content on the web.


A few months ago we discovered a great software, ultra-simple to use and that will allow you to publish more video content easily.


The software is called


It's a software that will allow you to edit easily the videos you're going to publish on Instagram or TikTok. It adapts by itself to all the formats.


It's not as advanced as Première Pro but it does the work for content on the networks and is much easier to use.


Price: from $0 to $30 (based on monthly plans)

πŸ‘‰πŸ½ Β Try





Software for personal trainers - App for personal trainers Gymkeeg
Software for personal trainers Gymkee


It is not really a surprise the software that I am going to share with you...


For your programming and client tracking, you can of course use the Gymkee fitness coach app (😍).


Gymkee is a software that will allow you to deliver the best possible coaching experience to your clients while saving you time and growing your business.


Today's clients expect a little more than a simple tracking on PDF or Excel or even on a sheet of paper (yes, I've seen some recently).


With Gymkee you will be able to save a lot of time on the creation of your programs, personalize them more easily and above all, really improve the experience of your clients as they will receive their programs directly on their mobile application available in all the stores.


A mobile app for coaching that is 100% optimized for them, very simple to use and without any unnecessary features.


To make your own opinion on the app, you have 7 days to try it for free without even having to fill in your credit card.


Price: from $29 to $99 (based on monthly plans)


7Β days free :

πŸ‘‰πŸ½ Β Try Gymkee for free





Professional email address for personal trainers
Google Workspace


For me, it's Google with Gmail which allows you to structure your emails in a professional way as easily as possible.


It's what we use, it's what most people use, so Gmail remains one of the best options today.


Price: $6 per month

πŸ‘‰πŸ½ Β Create your e-mai address





Social networks, buffer for personal trainers


Buffer is a tool that will allow you to plan your publications on the social networks and to automate them as much as possible.


It will also allow you to publish directly your posts on all platforms from a single place.


The creation of content on the social networks is what will take you the most time but you can for example do everything in one day and then automate it for the whole month.


That's what we recommend doing. Write a maximum of content, at least for 1 to 3 months and automate the publications.


This way you will be able to focus only on your coaching and from time to time, publish stories and different posts in relation to now.


Price: $15 per month

β€πŸ‘‰πŸ½ Β Try Buffer





Automation for personal trainers
Zapier for personal trainers


Zapier is a tool that allows you to simply connect 2 apps together to automate processes.


For example, you can add a Typeform on your website for your clients to complete their training request and automate the rest of the process.


You can automate the fact that they receive an e-mail with a questionnaire right afterwards or that they receive their Gymkee program directly if you have connected the two on Zapier.


For example:

  • Once a client requests coaching, automate the sending of an e-mail with all the information requested.
  • Once the requested information is completed, automatically propose a call
  • Automatic addition of the client on Gymkee
  • Automatically send a program on Gymkee


And many others ways to automate your processes.


Price: $0 or $19.99

β€πŸ‘‰πŸ½ Β Try Zapier






Now you know everything you have to know if you want to become a great personal trainer in 2021.


Key takeaways :

  • Get certified
  • Find a job for experience and try to shadow a top personal trainer
  • Keep learning every day
  • Find your niche
  • Choose the right training service for your niche
  • Don't undervalue your personal training services
  • Use social networks to find your clients (Instagram is the best one for the moment)
  • Invest in tools for your personal training business



To really skyrock your personal training business...Β you can read these 2 articles:


πŸ‘‰ How to build a website as a personal trainer

πŸ‘‰ How to use social media to skyrocket your online fitness coaching business


Take care!

How to become a personal trainer (and a great one)

This article is proposed by Gymkee, the personal trainer software that allows you to deliver the best coaching experience to your clients while saving time and growing your personal training business.

Start for free

Follow us here:

This article was written by

Mohamed Alaoui

CEO @ Gymkee